Maharashtra Board Class 12th Physics Important Objective Question for 2024 – Mock Test 09

महाराष्ट्र बोर्ड इंटरमिजिएट परीक्षा 2024 मध्ये विचारले जाणारे महत्त्वाचे भौतिकशास्त्राचे प्रश्न येथे आहेत, इयत्ता 12वीच्या भौतिकशास्त्राच्या परीक्षेसाठी 39 महत्त्वाचे प्रश्न. जर तुम्ही इंटरमिजिएट परीक्षेला बसत असाल आणि तुमचा विषय भौतिकशास्त्र असेल तर दिलेले सर्व प्रश्न काळजीपूर्वक वाचा.

Maharashtra Board Class 12th Physics Important Objective Question 2024


#1. 1. A diver in a swimming pool bends his head before diving. It

#2. 2. The angular momentum of a system of particles is conserved

#3. 3. A stone is tied to one end of a string. Holding the other end, the string is whirled in a horizontal plane with progressively increasing speed. It breaks at some speed because

#4. The moment of inertia of a circular loop of radius R, at a distance of R/2 around a rotating axis parallel to horizontal diameter of the loop is

#5. A 500 kg car takes a round turn of radius 50m with a velocity of 36 km/hr. The centripetal

#6. A cyclist riding a bicycle at a speed of 14 3 m/s takes a turn around a circular road of radius 20 m without skidding. Given g = 9.8 m/s2 3 , what is his inclination to the vertical

#7. A string of length ℓ fixed at one end carries a mass m at the other. The string makes 2/π revolutions/sec around the vertical axis through the fixed end. The tension in the string is

#8. Insect moves over surface of water because of

#9. The water droplets are spherical in free fall due to

#10. Surface tension of a liquid at critical temperature

#11. Unit of coefficient of viscosity

#12. Two capillary tubes of radii 0.6 cm and 0.3 cm are dipped in the same liquid. The ratio of heights through which the liquid will rise in the tubes is

#13. The energy stored in a soap bubble of diameter 6 cm and T = 0.04 N/m is nearly

#14. Two stones with radii 1:2 fall from a great height through the atmosphere. Their terminal velocities are in the ratio

#15. The average energy per molecule is proportional to

#16. The number of degrees of freedom, for the vibrational motion of a polyatomic depends on the

#17. The power radiated by a perfect blackbody depends only on its

#18. If the absolute temperature of a body is doubled, the power radiated will increase by a factor of

#19. Calculate the value of λmax for radiation from a body having surface temperature 3000 K.

#20. The molar specific heat of a gas at constant volume is 12307.69 J kg-1 K -1 . If the ratio of the two specific heats is 1.65, calculate the difference between the two molar specific heats of gas.

#21. Calculate the energy radiated in one minute by a blackbody of surface area 200 cm2 at 127oC

#22. Which of the following is correct, when the energy is transferred to a system from its environment?

#23. Two systems at same temperature are said to be in

#24. For work done to be reversible, the process should be

#25. A gas in a closed container is heated with 10 J of energy. Causing the lid of the container to rise 2 m with 3 N of force. What is the total change in energy of the system?

#26. The second law of thermodynamics deals with transfer of

#27. Heating a gas in a constant volume container is an example of which process?

#28. A particle is moving in a circle with uniform speed. Its motion is

#29. A particle is performing simple harmonic motion with amplitude A and angular velocity

#30. Acceleration of a particle executing S.H.M. at its mean position.

#31. In a second’s pendulum, mass of Bob is 50 g. If it is replaced by 100 g mass, then its period will be.

#32. The maximum speed of a particle executing S.H.M. is 10 m/s and maximum acceleration is 31.4 m/s2 . Its periodic time is

#33. When the displacement of a simple harmonic oscillator is half of its amplitude, its P.E. is 3 J. Its total energy is

#34. Two S.H.M.’s have zero phase difference and equal amplitudes A. The resultant amplitude on their composition will be

#35. A standing wave is produced on a string fixed at one end with the other end free. The length of the string

#36. The equation of a simple harmonic progressive wave is given by,

#37. A man standing unsymmetrical position between two mountains and fires a gun. He hears the first echo after 1.5 s and the second echo after 2.5 s. If the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s, then the distance between the mountains will b

#38. A set of tuning forks is arranged is ascending order of frequencies each tuning fork gives 8 beats/s with the preceding one. If frequency of the first tuning fork is 120 Hz and the last fork is 200 Hz, then the number of tuning forks arranged will be,

#39. In law of tension, the fundamental frequency of vibrating string is,


वर दिलेल्या चाचणी मालिकेतील प्रश्न वेगवेगळ्या वेबसाईटवरून घेतले आहेत, याचे श्रेय त्यांनाच जाते, मी ते फक्त शैक्षणिक हेतूने शेअर करत आहे.


या परीक्षांची पुरेशी तयारी करण्यासाठी विद्यार्थ्यांनी आवश्यक अभ्यासक्रम आणि मागील वर्षाच्या परीक्षेतील प्रश्नांचे पुनरावलोकन केले पाहिजे. कारण परीक्षेची वेळ मर्यादा अत्यंत कठोर असू शकते, वेळेचे व्यवस्थापन महत्त्वाचे आहे.

महाराष्ट्र बोर्डाच्या 12 व्या वर्गाच्या परीक्षांबद्दल अधिक माहिती मिळविण्यासाठी, तुम्हाला परीक्षेचे वेळापत्रक, अभ्यासक्रम आणि परीक्षेची माहिती मिळविण्यासाठी महाराष्ट्र शालेय परीक्षा मंडळाच्या अधिकृत वेबसाइटला भेट देणे आवश्यक आहे. तुम्ही तुमच्या शाळेशी किंवा आध्यात्मिक संस्थेशी संपर्क साधावा. ते तुम्हाला महाराष्ट्र बोर्ड 12वी इयत्तेबद्दल सर्वात विश्वासार्ह आणि अद्ययावत माहिती देऊ शकतात

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